The very annoying Honda commercial

Honda has a commericial with “Mr. Opportunity”, a cartoon character that acts as the spokesperson for a line of it’s cars and SUVs. I don’t mind the cartoon guy. I don’t even mind the cars. What “drives” me to distraction is the copy. In fact, it is a single like of copy:

…and the very unique Honda Element…

I hope most people know why this is so annoying. But in case you don’t, let me provide you with a definition:

u-nique [yoo-neek] –adjective

  • existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics

So how can something be very unique? If something is one of a kind, it is unique, period. Something cannot be very unique and to say so is a common error in English grammar. How can we expect kids to pick up good grammar when they can’t even get it right on television commercials?


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