Workout #13 (Chest & back w/Bernard)

Tonight was the last of the 8 additional sessions I’d purchased with Bernard. But I am doing so good, and he’s been helping quite a bit, I decided to sign up for 8 more sessions. Since I’m meeting with him every 8-10 days now, these next 8 sessions should take me until close to March. By then, I think my routine will be grounded in cement and I will be able to go off on my own.

Group 1                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Chest press              12/85        10/95        10/95
Kickbacks              12/30LR      12/35LR      12/35LR
Knee-in (crunches)          20           25           30

Group 2                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Inclined chest press     12/65         6/75         8/75
Seated row               12/60        12/60        12/60
Pushups                     12           12           15

Group 3                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Cable-cross            12/30LR      10/30LR      10/30LR
Lat pull                 12/62        12/62        12/62
Leg lifts                   15           15           15

Group 4                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Decline chest press      10/85        10/85        10/85
Dead lifts               15/50        15/50        15/50
Jumping jacks               30           40           40

95 lbs on the chest press was a record for me, and though muscle fatigue set in on the inclined chest press, I came back and did 3 sets of 85 lbs on the declined chest press, which pleased me. It felt like a really good workout, and Bernard said that I was definitely getting stronger. My next workout with Bernard is a week from Thursday.

My next workout is tomorrow morning, cardio and some lower-body in prep for a full lower-body workout on Thursday.


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