Readercon 2008!

Finally, finally, I am going to make it to Readercon. I’ve been wanted to go to this convention for a few years now, in large part because one of my favorite all-time authors–Barry Malzberg–usually attends. As it turns out, Dad is going to be in town July 17 – 23, but I checked with him yesterday and he was fine with me leaving him on his own for 2 days. My plan is to fly up to Boston early Friday morning, July 18, spend all of Friday and most of Saturday at the conference and then fly back home Saturday evening.

I just purchased my registration for the conference, so it’s really happening.

I’m looking forward to it. It will give me another chance to hang out with mabfan, an all-around cool guy, and gnomi. Also, looking over the list of guests, it looks like scottedelman will be there, too, and it will be nice to see him again (after meeting him in person for the first time at Capclave). In fact, lots of writers and editors I really admire will be there: James Morrow, whose Godhead series, absolutely loved, will be there. In fact, you could almost recreate the table of contents of one of Scott’s SCIENCE FICTION AGE issues with the list of names attending this convention.

I really can’t wait.

UPDATE: I’ve also reserved my hotel room at the conference hotel.

FURTHER UPDATE: And my plane tickets.


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