Gonzo’s Nose

Yesterday, after work, Kelly and I headed over to Pentagon Row (right behind the office) to see the 80s cover band Gonzo’s Nose. The band didn’t start until 7 PM, so we first went to Sine, where we sat outside and had a light dinner as the crowd gathered. Then we made our way across the concourse to Lebanese Taverna and met up with a bunch of other friends, including Carmen and John. We sat outside once again and were very close to the stage, perfect seats for the concert.

It was a lot of fun. The band started off with some 90s songs, but eventually played a bunch of 80s songs, and took requests, too. We sat there for the whole concert, listening, singing, drinking and chatting with friends. Pentagon Row was full, but not packed, with lots of families, kids, and people out having a good time. The weather was perfect, too. It was a lot of fun for a Thursday evening–it even felt more like a Friday, except here I am, back at work the next morning.

The band is not at all pretentious and does a good job with their covers. They are clearly out there to have a good time and to see that everyone else does too.


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