Yes, I am still alive

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was at work early in the day and suddenly felt sick again so I headed home and slept most of the morning and just took things easy most of the afternoon. By evening, I felt well enough to take the family to the annual work holiday party which has lots of yummy foods. (I am especially fond of the meatballs and deviled eggs.) Even there we had to leave early, but I managed to get a good night’s sleep last night and I’m feeling better this morning.

I think I’ll be back to my regular blogging routine beginning today. This news will be greeted by an equal number of cheers and groans, I suspect, but I do this because it is fun and I’ve been doing it so long now (since late 2005) I’m not sure I could stop if I wanted to. Get ready for a series of posts summarizing various goals for 2011 and setting targets for 2012 as well as the usual stuff you’ve come to know and expect around here. And sorry once again for my recent absences (three day in the last two weeks that I have not written a single blog post! Unacceptable!)

And I suspect I will be watching that Dr. Who episode, “Blink” in the very near future so watch out for a post on that as well.

In the meantime, I’m taking the Little Man to get a haircut this morning. I am getting one as well, as my last one didn’t take. Pictures on Facebook later today.


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