The Golden Age of Short Science Fiction and Fantasy

I’ve said it many times before, but after coming back from Worldcon, I truly believe that we are in the midst of another Golden Age of short science fiction and fantasy. With that in mind, I just wanted to provide a post that lists some of the great magazines people can subscribe to in order to read outstanding stories every month, and sometimes every week, and even every day. The magazines are listed below with links to subscription information, and I’ve noted those to which I am a current subscriber.

Some of these magazines are free, some can be purchased individually or with a monthly subscription. Some work off of reader donations. I urge you to subscribe and support as many as you can. For the digital subscriptions I have (and they are all digital at this point), I think I pay about $10 or $12/month, which is less than the price of a movie ticket these days.

And the entertainment is far better than what you’d get in theaters.


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