Desktop Disarray

My usually neat desktop is in a state of disarray. I am still catching up on things after returning from vacation. Three week’s worth of mail. Lots of stuff has accumulated. This is what my desk looks like at this moment:


You’ll notice the wall in front of my desk is completely blank. I like having a blank wall in front of me because it minimized distractions. (Of course, just to my right, out of view in the picture, is a large bay window.) But I’m thinking of putting the 2013 John Picacio calendar that I received on that wall. It is an absolutely stunning calendar and I wouldn’t mind at all being distracted by that.

You can also see, just to the right of my keyboard and trackpad, the t-shirt I received from Apex Books. I am building up a fine collection of t-shirts and this one is a welcome addition.

I plan on getting through all of this stuff today and I’ll post a picture when my desk has returned to its normal condition.


  1. This desk is tidy compared to mine 🙂

    Two question. Firstly, how do you get your whole post to be sent as an email? Would love my blog to do this, rather tan the ‘there’s a new post’ email that is standard.

    Secondly, is there a way for me to change my email with you, rather tan unsubscribe and resub with new one!

    1. Gordon, I believe the emails are controlled by WordPress’s JetPack plug-in. I did some poking around, but I can’t seem to find a way of changing the email address directly. It may be possible from the database side, but I haven’t had a chance to look at that yet. Easiest thing in the short term might be unsubscribe and resubscribe.

  2. I scoff at your chaos, though I have to say thanks to an experiment at my work office vs home office, tidiness seems to be proportionally manageable to the size of the desk. The more space there is, the easier it slides into entropy.

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