Top 10 Posts for the First Third of 2014

I happened to be glancing at the blog’s overall numbers for 2014 (creeping up on the half-million page view mark for the year) and was rather surprised to discover what the top post for 2014 has been through the first four months of the year. Here are the top 10 posts, sorted by page views (but also reporting unique visitors) so far this year1.

Top 10 Posts 4-months 2014

Apparently, that FitBit post has been pretty darn popular.

And if you are wondering about year-to-date, 2014 is outpacing 2013 by about 145,000 page views. Here are the numbers so far for this year, as compared to the same period last year.

2014 vs 2013 4-months

These numbers don’t include RSS feeds, which I am too lazy to chase down this morning. Still, pretty cool. The month-to-month numbers have slipped slightly from the beginning of the year when I was getting about 130,000 hits/month. April looks like it will be around 110,000. But that is clearly outpacing last year and I’m happy with it.

  1. Stats collected from Google Analytics.


  1. Do your stats include referring pages? I’d be curious to know if any have shown up from the Academic PKM blog, which a co-author and I write. I’ve mentioned your Going Paperless notes quite often in the Link Roundup posts that I do. So my compliments on all the great posts!

    1. Mary, thank you very much for the mentions! I just ran a search and Academic PKM does indeed show up. For the same period listed above (the first 4 months of 2014) there were 78 sessions comprised of 47 new visitors. Here is the full chart and data for those referrals:

      Academic PKM


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