No Glasses Today

I left home without my glasses this morning. These days, I need a fairly weak prescription  (Kelly calls it weak) for when I am looking at the computer screen. I have a somewhat stronger prescription for when I am reading. I thought I left my glasses in the car, and duly told Todoist to remind me to check in the morning. When I checked before leaving for the office, the glasses were not in the car. I don’t know where they are.

I had perfect vision until I turned 40. When I went for my eye appointment back then, I bragged about this to my eye doctor. He just shrugged, and said, “Once you hit forty, it will start to get worse quickly. Watch and see.” I think the “watch and see” was his attempt at a pun, but he didn’t laugh, so who knows. And now, he’s retiring so perhaps I’ll never know. But he was right. It’s time for another eye appointment, and I think the doctor is going to tell me that my old “weak” prescription is no longer work for me.

I mention this because it is not as easy to read what’s on the screen without my glasses than it is with my glasses. If there are more typos than usual today, you’ll know that it is not because I am lazy in my proofreading (I am!) but because I can’t actually see the errors clearly.

Come to think of it, I wonder if that excuse would have worked back when I was writing papers in college?


  1. You are not alone my friend… I can relate! My vision has been deteriorating pretty much since I turned 40 as well (currently 48). It certainly doesn’t help that I spend 8+ hours each day staring at a glowing computer screen and/or smart phone. I found some computer reading glasses (available on Amazon) called Gamma Ray. They don’t look very sexy, but they really help cut down on the eye-fatigue.

    1. My “computer” glasses are the ones I left at home. I have a stronger pair for reading, but when I try using them in front of the computer, things are worse than without the glasses. I am making due today by increasing the zoom on just about everything. I have these huge thirty-some-odd inch BENQ monitors in my office, and I’ve got zooms ratcheted up to over 200%. It makes my screen look ridiculous. But at least I can read what’s there.

  2. Same problem here until I mentioned to my eye doctor that having to carry glasses around all of the time was becoming too much of a burden. I couldn’t see my phone very well and if someone needed me to sign something at work I would have to track down my glasses.

    So my doctor suggested a mono lens. One lens that sits on my non-dominant eye with I think a 1.5 or 1.75 magnification. He said that my brain would figure it all out and I would be able to see close and far with no trouble. Obviously, I was skeptical but it has been life changing. I’ve been wearing the one lens for a few years now and absolutely love being free from wearing glasses to see up close.

    I use the 30-day lens so no worries if I accidentally fall asleep with the lens in my eye.


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