Reading, Halfway Through 2019

I’ve been out of town, and busy with work, but I wanted to check-in briefly now that the year is half over. I set a goal this year of reading 100 books (down form the 130 I read last year). How do things stand?

As I write this, I just finished my 59th book of the year (Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy). That puts me about 8 books ahead of schedule. Overall, my reading time is down this year from last, but I think that some of the books I’ve read this year have been shorter than my average and that has helped to balance out the difference. Last year, the average length of a book I read was 454 pages. This year, so far it is 412 pages, one page less than my 24 year average of 413 pages.

I’ve got a lot of books queued up, and not sure what I am going to settle on next quite yet, but I snapped this photo of the books currently piled on my desk, any of which would serve as a good possibility.

Books stacked on my desk

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