Reading for the Week of 2/13/2022

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Here is what I read this week. Some of the articles/posts may require a subscription to read them. I also share my recommended reads on Pocket for anyone who wants to follow along there.


Gave up

  • Never by Ken Follett. These days, when I read fiction, I am looking to be entertained. I was in the mood for a spy-thriller, and I liked the sound of this book, but it started a little too slowly for me. Maybe I’ll go back to it someday.

Finished Reading

  • The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy (re-read). Not long ago, I introduced the boy to the film version of The Hunt for Red October and with that in mind, and still wanting to read a spy-thriller, I decided to re-read the book. I forgot how good the book was. It was Clancy’s first, and possibly his best. I say possibly because my memory of his other books (which I first read in the 1990s) is a little fuzzy.

In Progress

  • Patriot Games by Tom Clancy (re-read). Since I enjoyed re-reading the first Jack Ryan book so much, I figured why stop?
  • A Short History of Ireland, 1500-2000 by John Gibney. We have a family trip to Ireland planned for later in the year. I figure I need to bone-up on my Irish history beforehand.


Any recommendations for books, articles or posts I should read? Let me know in the comments?

Written on February 19, 2022.

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One comment

  1. I hope you enjoy your trip to Ireland: north and south. We are fairly welcoming people with a few historical issues


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