Workout #45 (Chest & back)

Up at 4:30 and I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I actually woke up around 4 AM and tried to come up with a number of reasons for not getting up and going into work. Just before my alarm went off, I turned on the light and looked across the room to where I had taped to the wall the following legend: “Don’t make excuses!” So I got up, got dressed, had breakfast and headed in.

Group 1                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Chest press              12/95       12/105       12/115
Kickbacks              12/35LR      15/35LR      15/35LR
Crunches                    30           35           30

Group 2                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Decline chest press      12/95       12/105       12/115
Dead lifts               15/50        15/50        15/50
Jumping jacks               30           40           40

Group 3                1st Set      2nd Set      3rd Set
-------                -------      -------      -------
Push ups                    25           25           25
Lat pull               12/87.5      12/87.5       12/100
Crunches                    30           30          N/A

I was very pleased with the two full sets of chest presses I did at 115 lbs, especially since there were both the last set in each group, meaning muscle fatigue had set in. 115 lbs decline chest press, however, is much easier to do than 115 lbs flat chest press. I didn’t complete the last set of crunches because I ran out of time. It was after 7 AM and I needed to hit the showers.

Next workout is cardio tomorrow morning.


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