Preparing for a New Home Office

Since moving into our house back in 2009, we have repurposed our living room into our home office. This was by design. We have a guest room downstairs, and three bedrooms upstairs, and we figured the Little Man and Little Miss would each have their own room. It didn’t turn out that way. The Little Miss didn’t want to be in her own room. She and the Little Man sleep in bunk beds in the Little Man’s room. That leaves the Little Miss’s room unused.

Couple that with our desire to use our living room as a place we can sit and talk with people when they visit. We have a “TV” room on the main floor that used to be a dining room. We tend to crowd into that room, or go into the large family room we have downstairs. But it would be nice to have a room that we can sit in comfortably with visitors.

So over the next few weeks, we’ll be converting our living room back into a living room and move the office up into the room that the Little Miss isn’t using. Put more visually, this:

Current Office

Will be moving to this:

New office

But the desk won’t be making the move. After 11 years of good service, I find I no longer need such a big desk, nor do I need so many drawers, having gone paperless, more or less. So today, I ordered this desk, which should arrive on Thursday:

New Desk

There are other advantages to moving the office upstairs:

  • If I am writing at night, I can be upstairs in case the kids wake up. It’s easier to hear them when you are right next door.
  • There is a door in that room, which can be closed. I rarely close the door, and I’ve gotten used to writing among chaos, but as Stephen King says, a good writing space should have a door that you can close when you have to.

The books and bookshelves will be staying in the living room, but’ll we’ll likely add a sofa or a couch so that it is more comfortable for sitting. And there will still be no television in that room.

Of course, I’ll post updates at the move progresses for those who are following along.


  1. Timely post for me, in that I am an IT infrastructure Project Manager who is now 100% telecommuting. My current desk does not work well for a FT telecommuter and I was looking for a desk similar to what you picked. Can you tell me where you found it?

  2. Hi Jamie, what’s the difference between a couch and a sofa. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  3. When we did some work on the house I moved my office out of the basement onto the main floor. Now I can’t do any writing until after the wee ones are in bed. The noises distract. 🙂


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