Practically Paperless with Obsidian, Episode 26: Use Case: Managing My Blog Writing in Obsidian

a vintage typewriter
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

Welcome to my blog series, “Practically Paperless with Obsidian.” For an overview of this series, please see Episode 0: Series Overview.

In Episode 25, I described how I managed my “professional” writing in Obsidian. I also mentioned that I looked to Obsidian as the one place to do all of my writing. That includes the writing I do here on the blog, so I thought I’d use this episode to describe how I use Obsidian to write for my blog.

WordPress and the Block Editor

I use WordPress for my blog services, and I have been incredibly happy with the service. I like the block editor for writing and editing posts, too. However, when I finally decided to do all of my writing in Obsidian, I intended to do my blog writing there, too. There are a number of advantages to this, but the main one is a single interface and set of commands for all of my writing. Also, all of my writing is now stored in plain text files, using markdown formatting, and readily accessible locally on my computer within my Obsidian vault.

Writing for the Blog

The bulk of the writing I do each week is for the blog. Readers who come for the Practically Paperless posts see just one of eight to ten posts I publish each week. I’ve been writing here on the blog since late 2005, about 17 years, and in that time, I’ve published more than 7,000 posts. Since January 1, 2021, I’ve made it a goal to publish at least one post everyday. As of this writing, I have published at least one post every day for 467 consecutive days.

I generally try to write 2 posts per day, scheduling them out so that I build up a backlog. I do this for two reasons:

  1. It keeps me writing, and keeps me thinking, both of which I enjoy doing.
  2. It acknowledges the truth of writing for me, which is that there are some days where I just can’t bring it. I’m either too busy, too tired, or I write something that I just don’t like. Having a backlog takes the pressure off publishing a post every day.

For instance, as of this writing (I am writing this on April 3, 2022), I have posts scheduled out through April 23. I sometimes leave gaps in the schedule, like I did for this post, since these Practically Paperless posts go out on Tuesdays.

There are two ways that Obsidian helps me with the blog writing: (1) Collecting ideas, and (2) writing posts.

Collecting ideas for the blog

Over the years, I’ve realized how important having a list of ideas is to writing posts whenever I have time. I’ve gotten into the habit of jotting down every idea I get. I don’t always use the ideas, but I jot them down regardless. There have been too many times when I told myself I would remember an idea, only to forget it.

If I am away from the computer, I’ll jot an idea in my Fields Notes notebook. That idea will get transferred to the current day’s daily note at the end of the date. I detailed some of this back in Episode 24. If I am sitting by the computer, the idea goes directly into the daily note as a task. The task gets tagged with “#post-idea”. These tasks, uncompleted and completed are collected using the Dataview plug-in a note called “Post Ideas.” When I am ready to write each day, I’ll pull up this note and skim through the ideas to see if there is anything in particular I want to write about. This note also shows the list of ideas that I have either completed writing or discarded.

Example of my Post Ideas file -- showing the section on ideas I've either written about or discarded.
Example of my Post Ideas file — showing the section on ideas I’ve either written about or discarded.

Writing posts for the blog

When I am ready to start writing, I make use of a template and the QuickAdd plug-in to generate the note in which I compose my post. The template and plug-in prompt me for information about the kind of writing I am doing, generate the note, and automatically file the note in my Writing/Blog/Posts folder in my Obsidian vault. At this point, I start writing. Below you can see the process for creating a new post note:

Animated gif showing how I create a new blog entry in Obsidian using Templater and the QuickAdd plug-ins.

Here is an example of what a post note looks like after I’ve started to write. I’ve used this post for my example:

draft of the current post in Obsidian

I try hard to keep most posts between 500-600 words. That makes writing 2 posts per day much more managable, given my time constraints. It also helps me practice writing to a target length, which is useful when doing professional writing and an outlet requests a piece of, say, 500 or 800 words. Some posts (like many of the posts in this series, are significantly longer). WordPress tells me that for the 114 posts I have published so far as of today, the average length is 784 words.

Publishing to WordPress

Once I finish writing my post, immediately schedule it in WordPress. Usually, I schedule it for the next open date on my calendar. As of today, the next open date is Sunday, April 24, but since I left a gap in my calendar for this post, I would schedule this one on Tuesday, April 12.

This is a manual process for me, and it goes as follows:

  1. Copy the text of the post out of Obsidian.
  2. Create a new post in WordPress and paste the copied text into the body.

The combination of Obsidian and WordPress make this a very simple process and it usually takes just a few seconds. The reason it is so simple is that my posts are written in Obsidian using Markdown formatting and WordPress knows how to interpret Markdown formatting when it is pasted into a post. All my formatting comes through cleanly, which saves a lot of time.

Once I have the post in WordPress, I schedule it for its future date. I change the status on my Obsidian note to “scheduled” and add the date that it was scheduled for.

Managing My Posts

I have “Blog Post MOC” note that i use to manage my posts. There are three sections to this post, each using a different dataview query to display a list of posts:

  1. Posts scheduled tomorrow. This lists any posts that are schedule for the next day. I use this to proofread the post the night before and try to intercept any obvious typos I happen to notice.
  2. Posts scheduled today. This lists any posts scheduled to be published on the current day. This reminds me what is being published. I also use this to update the meta-data in the note to reflect the status (published) and the link to the published post.
  3. Published posts. This is a list of all the published posts, with a link to the published URL for the post in question.
my blog MOC showing the tomorrow, today, and published posts sections
A look at my blog MOC.

Comments on the Blog

As I said, I try to capture all of my writing in Obsidian. That includes significant comments I make on my blog (or on others, for that matter). I have template for blog comments and I use it to write out my comments before posting them to the blog. This has a few advantages for me:

  1. It keeps all of my writing in Obsdian. I can use the Vim keyboard mappings I am used to and store my comments locally as part of all of my writing captured in my vault.
  2. It allows me to think through my comments and write them with the same care I’d use for any other writing. When I wrote comments on the fly, in the spur of the moment, I tend to (a) make mistakes, and (b) miss some important points I want to make. Writing them out in Obsidian ahead of time let’s me think through what I want to say.

The process for creating a new comment note in Obsidian is similar to the process for my other writing. It makes use of a template and the QuickAdd plug in. After I select the destination as “Blog” the template gives me the following options:

Selecting "comment" in my template.
Selecting “comment” in my template.

This provides a quick way for categorizing the note as a comment to a blog post. I also use this for other significant social media posts: posts and comments to Reddit, to various forums, and to other blogs, for instance. I find three advantages to this:

  1. It allows me to do all of my writing in Obsidian.
  2. Writing out a comment or reply in Obsidian allows me to to think about what I am writing and edit it much easier than if I did it in a text box of a blog or a social media site like Reddit. I don’t feel rushed. I can draft a comment, then come back to it later and edit it before posting.
  3. It allows me to collect all of my writing in one place, whether that is my “professional” writing, blog writing, or social media posts and comments.

Final thoughts

In my attempt to collect all of my writing in text files in Obsidian, I’ve shown how I manage my professional writing, and my blog writing. There is one final bit of writing that I now do and capture in Obsidian. In next week’s episode, I’ll go through my process for writing my journal entries in Obsidian.

See you back here next week.

Prev: Episode 25: Five Use Cases for Managing My Writing in Obsidian
Next: Episode 27: Use Case: Writing Journal Entries in Obsidian (coming April 19, 2022)

Written on April 3 and April 11, 2022.

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  1. Have you ever thought about converting the blog to a static site using something like Hugo or Jekyll? That way, you could write your posts in Obsidian and have a script parse your vault for queued posts – avoiding having to manually keep the site and your vault in sync.

    You can even set up a pipeline so that the site gets automatically built and updated after a simple git commit.

    1. Adam, a few years back I played around with Jekyll a bit because I liked the idea of a static site. But honestly, I grew tired of maintaining my own self-hosted WordPress installation after doing it for more than ten years. Last summer I migrated to’s Business plan, and now, I can just write posts and let someone else worry about everything else. I’m so invested in WordPress at this point (more than 7,100 posts going back 17 years) that I think I’m here to stay.

      That said, one thing I have considered is making use of the WordPress API to do something similar to what you’ve suggested: automating the process of syncing posts written in Obsidian with WordPress. Two things have held me back:

      1. I spend a lot of my day writing code and managing software projects as part of my day job. I’d prefer not to spend additional time doing it at this point
      2. There is an advantage to this current setup of mine. I draft the post in Obsidian, then paste it into WordPress and schedule it. The night before each scheduled post is due to be published, I use the opportunity to edit the post in WordPress, correcting any typos that I spot, making little tweaks here and there, etc. The process, though manual, suits itself nicely to this model of write it now, and let it sit for a while, before going back and editing it later.

      Usually, the tweaks are so minor I don’t even bother changing them in the source markdown file. But occasionally I do. Mostly, I just like the process.

  2. Hi Jamie, glad I found your site and this blog post in particular. I recently discovered Obsidian and really like the idea of having all my writing in one place, and if that one place uses lightweight text/markdown files, even better.
    I have been using Notion for writing posts and Day One for journaling, but sometimes feel a little uneasy about durability (or “future-proofing”).
    I’ll keep browsing your site and look for more posts about Obsidian and writing.

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