Another good reason for moving to Virginia

I had a goal of getting a bunch of move-related stuff done this afternoon and I did pretty good. I got new policies for my auto and renters insurance–ones that are designed for Virginia. I found out what I needed to do to obtain a marriage license. I setup utilities such as electric and cable at our new place. I felt productive and good about it all.

Turns out, I discovered another good reason for moving to Virginia: better car insurance rates. I’ve used the same insurance company for the last 6 years. I keep more the minimum insurance required by law, and I prefer low deductibles. This year, for my 1997 Saturn, my insurance premium was $828. When I had my policy updated for Virginia, same coverage, my premium dropped to $570/year. When Kelly and I are married in October and we add her car to the policy it will go down even more.

So anyone looking to lower their insurance premiums, forget Geico, just move to Virginia.

Softball practice after work today. Three people showed up, including me. It made for an interesting practice. I’m doing some laundry (no money in my pockets!) and then heading off to bed. I’m pretty tired this evening.


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