Late afternoon (9 hours into my day)

Still going.  I’m more than 2/3rds of the way done with Day 3 slides and I expect to be complete done with the slides by 7 pm.  I left the office at about 1:30 and took a 2 hour break.  Sarah came over and Kelly and I went with her and her dog, Oliver, up to the dog park in Shirlington.  It’s really nice out again today.  Overcast, but still warm and breezy.  We spent about an hour at the dog park and then came home.  I had a late lunch and then headed upstairs to continue work.

Looks like the evening will be spent on putting together the exercise books and quick reference sheets, as well as a few other things like annotated screen shots and a procedures guide.  Then I break the slides down into their component slide desks, and make pass through each deck to make sure the slide notes are complete.  Finally (probably sometime early tomorrow morning), I put together two massive slide decks and convert them to PDFs.  These are what goes to our publications department to be produced.


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