From the pages of my diary: 9/11/2001 and the days after

I had mentioned the incoherent entries in my diary for 9/11/01 earlier today. Now that I am home and have the books in front of me, here are some examples (even the handwriting is worse than usual):

September 11 — The world changed today when four commercial airliners were hijacked–2 crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center in NY, ultimately collapsing them. One crashed int the Pentagon, and one crashed in a cornfield in Penn. Thousands of people are feared dead in this terrorist attack… I was in the office at 6 AM when I got a call from Beth about what happened. I am still in shock. [Company redacted] closed the building around 10 AM. I came home and have been glued to the TV ever since. In my mind, this is worse than Pearl Harbor–it is an act of war. I’m furious, angry and saddened. The NY skyline has been changed. I simply can’t believe this…

September 12 — No sleep. TV all night. Into work early after picking up all the papers I could find to pour over them. Bush and many of his cabinet members finally called this an act of war today. It’s looking more and more like its related to Osama bin Ladin, the terrorist hiding in Afghanistan…

September 14 — …I can’t find a f—ing flag anywhere. Every place is sold old. I don’t know why but I feel like I just have to have a flag. There’s everywhere but no place has them in stock… also talked about the possibilities of enlisting. Spoke with Brad at work about the Marines, but probably the Army or Air Force would be the way to go. With my pilot’s license and […]

September 18 — News is reporting a possible link between the NY terrorists and Iraq. I can’t believe an entire week has gone by…

September 19 – 23 — Blank entries for the first time since 1996

September 24 — I’ve been having trouble keeping this book up-to-date lately and that’s pretty frustrating… Still having weird, terrorist-related dreams most nights although now I don’t recall them as much…

So there you have it.


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