I hate when this happens

I get up early like a Good Boy.  I eat and rush off to the gym.  I get in a full workout despite a lack of water.  I head into the office and put in a long, busy morning of intensive work.  Finally, lunch arrives!  I’ve been looking forward to lunch all day since I can start the new book at lunch.  I inhale my PB&J, my 3 chocolate chip cookies, my caffeine-free Coke.  I crack the book open and start reading.


Steal Across the Sky is everything I hoped it would be.  (I’ve been wanted to read more of Nancy Kress’s stuff ever since I read "Beggars in Spain" late last year.)  It grabs me right away.  It’s one of those books with short chapters and short scenes which makes the pacing move right along.  I sit there marveling at it, wondering How She Did It.  I can’t stop reading.

And then the entire day catches up to me at once.  My eyes grow heavy.  For a second, I fine they are close.  I jerk them open and continue with what I was reading.  A minute later they are closed again.  Dammit!  This is too interesting for me to sleep through!  I mean, why are the aliens picking these people in particular?  I’ve got to find out, and lunch is over in 40 minutes.  But it’s no use.  It’s as though I’ve been given an anesthetic.  I countdown backward through the last two or three paragraphs of the chapter.  Chapter two looks even more interesting.  I strain to read the first paragraph, but find that I’m beginning to imagine things that aren’t there.  I read the paragraph again and again but it makes no sense.  I set the book down and I am gone.

Thirty minutes later, I awaken with a start.  I glance at the clock.  12:58.  I glance at the book.  Nope.  There’s just no time left.  I’ll have to wait until tonight before I can read more.


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